Unlock the Secrets to Wealth

Are you a female business owner/leader/healer/coach/therapist?

💫 Do you want to discover your hidden keys to financial abundance and prosperity?

💫 Do you want to uncover your money blocks and move past them?

💫 Do you want to be on your path to financial freedom?

💫 Do you want to have a roadmap that speaks to your strengths and helps you navigate your saboteurs with money?

💫 Are you ready for your next level in life, business and money?

If YES! Then this is for YOU!

You want to make decisions easier, be more positive, and see an increase in your income, but you keep getting stuck...

Some days are great! You feel confident and that you have a handle on it. 

But other days, it's a struggle. You wish it would be easier, less stressful.  

You’re smart and ambitious. You want to make, keep, spend, invest and save money, but in one (or a few) of those you seem to fall short!

There is a part of you that feels like you should be able to do it, you definitely know better.

You seem to get blocked, scared, overwhelmed and anxious and you just don't get it.

You may even avoid looking at money altogether, or perhaps you want to put more time into it, but you don't seem to get around to it.

You are not alone! You just need a Roadmap...

Whether you are a leader, business owner, healer, even if you are in finance itself, most people will have some aspect of Money that wobbles them...

be it making, keeping, saving, spending, investing... please know that it can change, and I so wish that for you.

Here's what I want you to know:

Money wants you to thrive.

Money wants to be your dearest closest soul-friend.

Money wants you to have fun! 

There are 2 foundations to transform your relationship with money:
1. Knowing your Money Blueprint (which is your roadmap)
2. Re-wiring your Brain and your subconscious so it works for you

I can tell you this, because this is what I've done for my relationship with money.

And I have moved from fear, anxiety, judgment, debt, to saving and am excited about where I will be in 2 years time.

When I first started on my empowered money journey, I was where you are too.

And if you feel you are too old, or it's too late, or you are missing something, it's not!

The key is to strategically select the things you will work on at any one time.

Paradoxically, bringing more structure and setting clear limits to your efforts will give you more freedom.

What I learned was that my mindset was keeping me from sustaining my growth.

Surrounding myself with others who were succeeding, learning my own Money Personality, working through my limiting beliefs, while being supported, shifted my relationship with money.

This is possible for all of us, when we have the right people around us, understand and easily work on ourselves and continue to take action.

An empowered relationship with money, is one that creates choice and control.  It's knowing how to harness your inherent strengths and  navigate your challenges, so you can make, keep, spend and invest. 


Take your leap into trusting yourself with money today

What if creating an Healthy Relationship with Money didn't have to be so confusing, overwhelming and hard?

What if your relationship with money could be easy, safe and give you inner peace?

What if….

💫You could uncover the blocks you have around money and transform them

💫You knew your inherent gifts and challenges are, so you can utilise your gifts, navigate through your challenges, and make better choices, so you can make, keep, save, spend and invest in a way that feels really good for you

💫You could do your budgets, clear your debt, set your boundaries, save, even spend on frivolous things (if you struggle with it) with ease

💫You felt more in control, confident, safe and free in relationship to money, rather than scared, fraught or anxious

💫You could understand and work with your business from the place of your empowered blueprint, so it all comes together, supporting you rather than feeling you will never move from hustle

Think that sounds too good to be true?

It's not if you think “easy, safe and inner-peace” means with a clear roadmap, support, some re-wiring of your brain, you need to take action that creates results, then you are wrong! Because it can be easy to create an empowered relationship with money.

And if thats what you want, then MONEY MINDSET MATRIX for you.

Farhana changed my life as I navigated huge changes personally and her money work, got me out of debt. I know earn more that I did before, and have a new problem - I’m in a new tax bracket! So, more work to do to normalise that.

Justine Johnson: Business Owner

I worked with Farhana on 1-1, and through it, I feel more free, and am pursuing even bigger projects, while taking more time for me, and travel! I can also easily say NO!

Unathi: Multi 7 figure Business Owner


Money Mindset Matrix

The Only 8 Week Program, for female business owner, which combines Sacred Money Archetypes ® (your roadmap), Neuroplasticity (rewiring you brain and subconscious) and Practical Implementation so that you can shift your money story, and change your life.

Feel more confident, in control and make choices from a place of self-trust and ease, so you can get the results your desire.

You get Live calls, Videos, a Hypnosis, and Q & A sessions, and tons of support and coaching in the Facebook group.

Hi, I'm Farhana

Hi, I’m Farhana

I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I'm a Wealth Matrix Mentor, and run the Wealth Matrix Academy.

Wealth Matrix is about life, love, money. I combine cutting-edge neuro-plasticity with heart and soul to help you transform the way you think and feel about yourself, work, money, and life.

We release emotional blockages stalling your success, and expand your vision for what is possible for you.

As a psychologist with a little woo, I understand that we need the science AND the spiritual to create the mind-blowing success we truly deserve. I am certified and licenced in Sacred Money Archetypes ®

Here’s my Personal Money Story, and a lesson in it’s never too late to change your story or an aspect of your story… even a tweak will change your life… forever….

I have always been obsessed with healing (to the point of perhaps just doing it because I can), and my deep contentment and resilience is unbelievable.

But I genuinely thought, that Money would just take care of itself.

In my 40’s, I met an economist, and I paused! I decided to not take money for granted and apply the same focus to it, as I did in other areas of my well-being.

As I began looking at my financial journey, I saw patterns. I had until that point tapped myself on the back with my casual attitude. But it was not working out the way I had hoped.

I uncovered my Sacred Money Archetype ® .... ah, I’m a Romantic, so money was meant to be the knight in shining armour that just appeared (note not an actual knight but a metaphorical one)

There have been tears, there have been exhales, there has been looking at scary truths. I cleared my debt, while still being kind to myself. There’s also been excitement and joy.

I'm now 50 and I truly am so excited about what my money story will be in the next 2-3 years and the story I will then share!

The very first step in this journey is understanding your Money Mindset Matrix (The Sacred Money Archetypes ® is key in this) and working out from there.

As a Wealth Matrix Mentor, I combine my Psychology and my woo, in my programs, to give your brain-body system the space to disentangle the unconscious stories and connections and tap into the possibilities. We use cutting edge neuroplasticity tools to cut through the resistance and expand the comfort zone.

The result: making much healthier decisions from a conscious empowered place.

Change Your Money Story & Outcomes Today

With Money Mindset Matrix, we set you up on the path to financial success, as we explore your money blueprint (your blocks and your strengths) so it works for you, not against you.

I was going through some tough personal circumstances when I did the money course. I often attended the sessions with you frazzled. Your nervous system is sooooo regulated and your calming, gentle, affirming presence has been wonderful, so thank you. I feel I can change my money story. (participant on a previous version of the program)


There is no need to stay in the same internal cycle and circle of comfort. I don’t need to change my shapes, but my circle has expanded” (participant on a previous version of the program)


Working with Farhana on nervous system regulation was super interesting. Our body has its own brain. Ever since our session I feel more calm, more grounded, more at ease, less triggered and really expanded into this new level of me. She is so embodied, and really held the space so my system could do what it needed. Rebecca Lima 1-1 client

You have had the relationship with money you have, your entire life.

It's worked for you, and it also hasn’t. 

Most of all it left you frustrated, scared, fraught, anxious, bored even, and it affects so many areas of your life. 

With the Money Mindset Matrix Program:

In just 8 weeks, you will have a sense of inner peace, confidence, uncover the blocks keeping money at arms length, plug your money leaks, create money boundaries, eliminate negative self talk and shatter your own glass ceiling. You will be on your path to financial success.

It will leave you feeling in control of your choices, expand your comfort zone, so you have capacity for more. We would have re-wired your relationship with money and yourself.

We will ditch the fear and doubt into aligned, confidence, trusting yourself when making money choices.

You will be part of a community of like minded people, cheering you on as you de-code and re-code your relationship with money. 

At a time, when recession looms and things are harder, leaning in, expanding, spending money on things that matter,  is the only way.

Even though it feels easier to contract and withdraw, leaning in is key. 

What better time to create an empowered relationship with money, than right now! 

But How Can You Know if Money Mindset Matrix is Right for You?

If any of the following situations sound familiar, Money Mindset Matrix can help you go from fraught, fearful, conflicted, anxious, ashamed, alone to feeling focused, clear and confident, in control, positive and hopeful regarding your relationship with money.

You want to Feel More Confident and in Control of your Money

Money brings up all sorts of feelings for you.

It may be in all areas: making, keeping, saving, spending, investing, or it may just be in one area. 

You want to understand and remove some of your money blocks.

It makes you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and it impacts how you feel about yourself. And you feel ruled by money, rather than supported, or even in control. 

You may struggle to buy yourself lovely things, and judge yourself so harshly. 

Or perhaps you find it so difficult to save and keep money, or invest it in “sensible” things. 

Or you may really struggle when your bank balance drops to a certain amount and while you know you should invest, you really struggle letting money out of your account. 

You want to Create Better Boundaries regarding Money

You really struggle to say no to yourself, friends and family and you don’t understand why.

You seem to put your actual needs last when it comes to money. 

You may even feel like you keep bouncing around ideas, and it's really boring to just stay focused. 

Or perhaps you spend your money on impressing others. 

You want to Shatter Your Glass Ceiling and push through whats holding you back in life, business and money

 Understanding your unique money code is the puzzle you are looking for.

You have money strengths and money pitfalls, and knowing them and how to use them in your life, will move you from self -sabotage to self confidence, leading you to financial success.

Here's a Truth:

Money Makes the World Go around

It's everywhere

You need it, and it needs you. It needs you to honour yourself, and to honour it. To love yourself, and to love it. It needs you.

R.H: I have increased my monthly income, prioritised saving, and started a second stream of income. (Participant from Money Unlocked)

Justine Johnson: Business Owner  I feel more comfortable and trusting of money in both spending and the ability to trust that sufficient funds will be available (Participant from Money Unlocked)

Gaby Abrams Success Coach (1-1 Expansion Session) : I love working with science and spiritual and that's what the session was. The best thing was also that it was future based. Where I wanted to go next. In the session I had such a profound shift in my self self-trust. And I could actually visualise what I have been scared to before. It was such a simple and straight-forward approach to getting the results I desire. She has this amazing energy where you feel really really safe in and so neutral

Justine Johnson Business Owner:  Knowing my archetype helps me realise where I’m acting from a place that’s not serving me and take incremental steps to address the behaviour/pattern. (Previous version of the Archetypes course)

What you will Experience and Learn in Money Mindset Matrix

Module One:

Sacred Money Archetypes ® : Your Money Blueprint

Each with their unique set of strengths, weakness, gifts, challenges, empowered money mindset and sacred destiny & contract. They are the patterns that drive our relationship with money. This is your Roadmap.

Here’s a little taster:


The Inner Banker: disciplined, struggles with investing, saves easily


The Inner Idealist: idealistic, idea generating, judgmental about money


Charismatic : magnetic, stands out in a crowd, spends for appearance,


Relationship Creator: innocent, values relationships, feels disempowered with money


The Inner Rebel: clever, pays attentions to numbers and financial details, secrecy


The Inner Sponsor: giving, loyal, feels the need to rescue


The Pleasure Seeker : luxury, there will always be more, ignoring anything to do with finances,


The Inner Empire Builder : visionary,, decisive, never feels there is enough money

Module TWO

Empowered Money Compass and Money Boundaries

We work with your Top Sacred Money Contract, and Money destiny to get a clear sense of your money roadmap, and then move into setting up some money boundaries, with yourself and others

Module Three

Your Money Personality

Your top 3 archetypes work together to give you your unique money personality. You last one gives you insight on what to bring in to balance your drivers. We dig deeper into understanding how it plays out for your unique personality. And we uncover the blocks and start shifting things for you.

Module Four

Your Money Voice

Giving voice to your money value, and re-wiring your system, so that you can share your truths and shift past the fear, anxiety and resistance, and step into what you truly desire.

Module Five

Managing Your Money

We get practical here, using the insights you have gained so far, we explore managing your money in a way that is empowering and works with your pitfalls and strengths of your personality. We re-wire your brain to neutralise the fears, and make the mundane acts enjoyable.

Module Six

Your Glass Money Ceiling and New Money Story

We embody and expand your comfort zone to make room for a new relationship with money, and a gateway to a new income level.

Module Seven

Your Business and Your Money Personality

We apply the knowledge you know now, into your business, how you show up, what to change

We also explore the 4 dangerous money mindsets and which is secretly driving you to over-work, under-earn or under-charge.

Module Eight

Your Next Level Brighter You

We end the program with another session to embody this new version of you. So that your choices, your actions feel natural and easy.

Here's what you Get in Money Mindset Matrix

You go through an Assessment to get the order of influence of your Archetypes

You tell me what your archetypes are

You let me know what's happening in your relationship with money - your current reality and your dreams.

You start learning, healing, implementing and deeply understanding your Money Blueprint and how to use it in your life and your business.

You understand what the subconscious blocks to making, receiving, saving, spending, investing money is, and you get tools to change that.

We plug your money leaks, and give you the words to set up your money boundaries and your money celebration.

Your relationship with money is more healthy, you feel more in control, and at ease with money. Money feels supportive. You feel less anxious about it and are able to look at the different aspects of it, without the knot in your tummy.

You get a combination of recorded videos, audios, and live calls for a full experience of transforming your relationship with money, from the inside out.

You get the support and encouragement from other participants via the facebook group.

You get access to me, keeping my eye on your money "stuff" and your business (this in itself is priceless)

Top Quality Money Story and Block Decoding and Re-wiring

  • Everything you need to understand your Money Blueprint

  • To work with your Challenges and your Gifts

  • To know what your Sacred Money Contract is, what you are really here to do to create financial freedom in your life

  • Creating a more empowered relationship with money

  • To create more peace and calm regarding your relationship with money, so that you can look at it and not run away from it

We do this with:

  • Weekly Calls

  • Video Trainings

  • Dedicated Facebook group for all your support

  • Hot Seat Q&A sessions

  • 8 weeks of focused attention to your relationship with money

  • Hypnotherapy recording to re-wire your subconscious

  • Deep processes in the calls or videos to shift your automatic responses

  • Beautiful PDF's for the Archetypes and Cheat Sheets too, to use in your life and business


  1. A Call in 2024, to talk through some of your business ideas, now that you see what is possible for you.

  2. A masterclass - Master Your Debt


Enrol in Money Mindset Matrix Today



Or $1111 pay in full

Still Not Sure if Money Mindset Matrix is right for you?

Your relationship with money hasn’t left you fulfilled, you feel anxious, fearful and scared. 

You know you have to make a change, or stay stuck.

You have a niggling feeling inside, and a yearning for it to be different.

Its been on your to do list, for so long, even if its just in your private thoughts and feelings about it.

You get gripped with fear, frustration, annoyance when you need to make a payment, or a decision. 

Can you really afford to not get a grip on this?

To not really understand what your unique pattern:

💫 a complete set of stories


💫 fears



💫challenges and

💫Inner guidance for freedom

that work together when we make decisions around Money.

Do you really want to be in the same place, having the same repeated thoughts and feelings about money in a year?

And not have anything change, nor the tools to bring you back to centre? 

By signing up to Money Mindset Matrix , you are saying YES to yourself and your desire for a more empowered relationship with money, giving you more confidence, and ease in your money choices.

You will be able to harvest your strengths and make conscious, not unconscious decisions around money

It’s most definitely for you if feel or think or behave in any of these things:

🙈 Scared to look at your bank balance

🙈Save money, but struggle to invest or spend on thing you don't "need"

🙈Get really anxious if your bank balance is below a certain amount

🙈Take financial risks, while not safe guarding a balance 

🙈Can't get out of debt or past a certain level

🙈Get burnout as your try to pursue your never ending money goals

🙈That it will get better, but it doesn't really

🙈Have a love/hate relationship with money

These are some indicators that you need to pause and find a new way of understanding money and your relationship with money

Money Mindset Matrix is for you if:

​You want to make more empowered choices around money, with ease. If you want to feel and have more control over how you feel, think and what you do regarding money. If you want to break through your inner patterns that sabotage you and move towards financial success.

Money Mindset Matrix is not for you if:

You don’t want to make changes.

Are comfortable with all aspects of your relationship with money

Enroll in Money Mindset Matrix Today

8 Module Curriculum 

Where we dig deep into the blueprints, and how its playing out in your life.

What to do with it to harness the gifts, and navigate the challenges so you create a more empowered relationship with money.

Comprehensive live trainings and recordings for you to keep. 

8 Weeks of Community AccessPeer + Mentor support

in private Money Mindset Matrix Facebook group, so that you have a sounding board every day, as you normalise new habits, and mindsets

2 Hot Seat Calls

Calls where you can get laser-focused coaching from Farhana, so you can really understand your money personality, ask your questions and implement all you are learning

Hypnotherapy Recording

So, you start reprograming your subconscious to support you in your money transformation. 

Beautiful printable PDF’s for the Archetypes and Cheat Sheets

For easy reference and access

Bonus call in 2024, to talk through your business ideas.

Bonus Masterclass: Master Your Debt

Sign up before 13 oct 8pm Bonus Masterclass Become a Money Magnet


This is the part where you might be expecting a money-back guarantee.

That's not going to happen here.

I believe that all those guarantees offer is an excuse for people to give up - it's for those who don't take action.

For people who sit on their hands and wonder why nothing’s changing. 

If that’s you, you’re in the wrong place, and I wish you all the best.


Money Mindset Matrix is packed full of value but you need to step up and take advantage of what you get.

So, with that in mind, here’s my Money Mindset Matrix guarantee...

I guarantee MMM will provide you all that you need to start creating a more healthy and fulfilling relationship with money, to understand your patterns, your blocks, and give you ways to work with its strengths and navigate the pitfalls.

If you put your hand up, ask questions in the community, take advantage of the calls, listen to the recording if you can’t make it live. Sign up for a hot seat on our Hot Seat calls, your relationship with money will change. Which means your Money outcomes can change.

I guarantee you’ll have all the support, structure, direction, accountability, and advice you need to create a more empowered relationship with money. 

You really can unlock the Secrets to Wealth

Are you ready to discover the hidden keys to financial abundance and prosperity? Dive into the world of Money Mindset Matrix and transform your relationship with money forever.


What are Sacred Money Archetypes?


Imagine having a personalized roadmap to your financial success - that's exactly what Sacred Money Archetypes offer! These unique archetypes reveal your innate money personality, guiding you to understand your strengths and challenges when it comes to wealth.


Discover Your Money Blueprint


With the power of Sacred Money Archetypes, you'll uncover your individual money blueprint, allowing you to:


Overcome financial challenges


Amplify your strengths


Create a harmonious relationship with money


Attract wealth effortlessly


Why Sacred Money Archetypes?


Clarity: Uncover the core of your money personality and understand your unique path to financial abundance.

Empowerment: Gain the confidence to make informed financial decisions and take control of your financial destiny.

Prosperity: Attract abundance and wealth effortlessly by aligning with your true money self.

Transformation: Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to a life of financial freedom.


What's Included?


Personalized Assessment: Discover your Sacred Money Archetypes with a comprehensive assessment.


In-Depth Analysis: Understand the strengths and challenges of your archetype, and your money personality.


Actionable Insights: Receive practical strategies to enhance your financial life.


Resources: Access to a wealth of knowledge and tools to manifest your financial goals, and access to me. We re-program and rewire your brain and subconscious.


Community: Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on the journey to financial enlightenment.


Your Financial Freedom Awaits!


Are you ready to transform your relationship with money, unlock your true potential, and attract the wealth you deserve? Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of financial discovery with Money Mindset Matrix


Act now and embrace a future filled with abundance, prosperity, and financial freedom. The choice is yours – choose wealth today!


Get started on your path to financial enlightenment with Money Mindset Matrix.


Money Mindset Matrix: FAQ'S

Is Money Mindset Matrix (MMM) only for Business Owners?

No, it is designed with the Business owner in mind, and there is a module specifically for working with business. But I have had healers, CEO’s, executives, lawyers, housewives join the program to understand and shift their relationship with money. 

Is MMC only for women?

No, we have several men inside our money programs before. The reason I always talk about women and female entrepreneurs is that I truly believe that the more women there are who make lots of money and have a better relationship with money, the more the world can change. 

That feels like a big investment, should I do it?

How much is it really worth to open yourself up to the possibility of confidence in your money choices, and to be on the path you always dreamt of? If you want to succeed in any area in your life, you have to be willing to focus on it, invest in it and do the work. We have to lean in to the things we desire. The access you get to me, is priceless!

I’m in a developing country, and there is a bad exchange rate, can I get a discount?

No, I truly believe that the value you get is worth the money that you will spend. While I do understand exchange rates, and economic situations, I also really do believe that we need to lean into spending on things that will enhance us, and our outcomes, as that makes the economy shift and uplifts the country. If you are in South Africa and wish to pay in ZAR, it's R22000, there is a snap scan link for you to do so.  There's no payment plan for this option.

When are the Calls held?

Most calls are held on a Thursday. The first week is an exception, as we have 8 calls that week to go through all the Archetypes. I have tried to accommodate time zones, and all the call are in a calendar so you can easily integrate it into your diary.

What if I can't attend the calls?

No worries, everything is recorded and will be available in the portal. And you have 24/7 access to the facebook group and I will respond to your questions in there. We start the week of 30 October 2023.

How can I get the most out of MMM?

You should try and attend as many calls live if you can. And if you are unable to attend them live, you should watch the recordings before the next week. Ask questions in the facebook group, comment and support others in the group, take the actions, when there are any. Let the neural-plasticity processes settle. 

Why are there so many calls/ recordings in Week One

The first week is an intense week as I really want you to be armed with an understanding of the different archetypes, as it lays the foundation of your blueprint,  and there are 8.

How much time per day do I need to devote to MMM?

Money Mindset Matrix is about creating a better relationship with money. For the most part, a lot of the work will be done in the live sessions, but you would need to integrate it, start working with the mindset tools, as and when they organically show up in your every day life. 

How soon will I start seeing changes in my relationship with money?

That all depends on how much you throw yourself into it. You should see changes from the first day of the course. How sustainable and how those grow, will depend on how much you consciously focus on it as things show up in your world and life. 

I am interested, would like a chat first please.

Of course! Email me: [email protected] and let's set something up, I am more than happy to chat, especially if you missed my free workshop.

In just 8 weeks you could have a really different relationship with money.

You can have a deep understanding of your strengths, pitfalls, your money contract you are here to do, as well as re-wire and re-code your blueprint using cutting edge neuroplacisity. 

Would you rather stay where you are right now, or truly understand how you are with money, and what would work best for you to shift towards having more choice, more control, and feel and be more empowered?

The time is now, so that in even 6 months, you will see it in your life!  

Money really wants you to enjoy it, and wants to support you, and for you to not be so scared by it. 

I can’t wait to share this with you!See you inside!


Enrol in Money Mindset Matrix Today

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$1111 pay in full

Transform Your Relationship with Money

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Site: www.farhana-goga.com

© copyright Farhana Goga Success Mastery HQ